Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Q: What Costs £1.23?

A: A postcard from Marbella with no stamps on! You know who you are. Did you think the Force would get it here all on its own?

P.S. Happy Birthday to the Figster.

J x


fig said...

Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me!

It is with some joy and sadness that I report that I am finally turning into my Mother. The proof? I cried at two birthday cards today! What a poof.

Honestly, you struggle throught life to get to 36 (there, I said it) and what happens? You get all weepy over messages people put in yer gifts.

In honour of this moment (which happened not 10 mins ago) I am having a retro moment and playing my vinyl copy of the Pet Shop Boys first album. It's like 1986 all over again.

Altogether now 'Lets take a ride, in SUBURBIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Darth Vader said...



Well that would be the "5 star" hotel then that took my cards and my money off me and promised to post them.......

Honestly it was a lovely place and they were so very generous with the gin when it came to pouring the old evening libation that I never imagined they would run off with my penny postcard euros!

When Nanny Ogg is back was planning a visit so will send her in first with recompense.

and thanks for the comments on the birthday Fig. As a girlie who turns 36 on the glorious 12th its really reassuring. Have already cried once this month at greetings card (two oldies naked (thankfully from behind) stepping into surf with line about love surviving storms of life) so there is no hope for me.

Darth Vader said...

PS - Happy Birthday!