Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Has anyone watched Newsnight recently?

DD was around tonight.  We watched the Wipers Times thing which was OK but a bit too Ian Hislop at the start for me. But it was OK on the whole by the end.  But then Newsnight came on.  OMG.  It was like an explosion in my head.  They were straight into an article on the privatisation of Royal Mail which just came out of nowhere (had featured on no news programmes earlier) but which segued (using some of the same guests) into a discussion on "future jobs".  One of the guests had on the most divine jumper (I swear it was Hermes) but had so much interesting stuff to say. The debate was electric.  I've had three martins and so may be a little skewed in my thinking but listening to a man talk about the future economy with someone from the TUC and challenge them on the role of the TUC and actually what they should be doing to secure the jobs for their futures was stunning.  God I loved it.  Emily Maitliss is a goddess. Her hair is to die for.  

But then it sadly went downhill with the introduction of Rupert Everett.  God he's dreadful.  There's a word for someone who is part of your community but actively works against that community but I've had three martinis and I can't remember what the word is.  But anyway, he's that...

So energised right now.  That's all. J x

1 comment:

fig said...
