Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wouldn't You Simply Die Without Mahler?

Ten points to anyone who can tell me who spoke those words and in which film. At least that's how I remember the quote anyway.  Best of luck.

But, frankly, Mahler is pants.  I'm reliably informed that his 10th symphony - which is the one we saw - is his worst. And it wasn't even wholly written by him as he dies before he finished it and someone else came along and made it all even more unintelligible.  And the slew of hemiolas in the fifth movement really put the icing on the cake for me.  Although the notes tangling like bindweed through the orchestra ran this a close second.  I am paraphrasing the programme notes here...

Anyway, if you're going to see some Mahler apparently his 2nd symphony is the one to see.

Had a good night out in Liverpool anyway (words I thought I would never write) as we went to Alan's favourite bar and restaurant.  They're now also my favourite bar and restaurant in Liverpool. And they're just around the corner from the Philharmonic Hall which was convenient as we were late leaving the restaurant and had to run through the snow. Train was delayed coming home so had to wait 20 minutes on the platform but no one killed us which was good.

Curry for lunch today. Yum.  Followed by Coronation Street round at DD's. That's all.  J x


spotsrus said...

It's our Rita.... No nit Corrie but Willy Russell's Rita

Jonathan said...

Right film and she does repeat the phrase but which actor says it first? J x (5 points only awarded at this stage)

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Wasn't it Maureen Lipman?

Jonathan said...

It was my lovely. And very good to hear from you. 5 points are yours. Others have guessed but not in public on this blog so you take those points and you run with them :-) Mind you, talk about keeping it in the family... J x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

And what's wrong with that, my dear? You know we belong to the Always Right Family, after all.

Sorry you are having trouble with insurance. Surely there must be some way of getting insurance without breaking the bank. These bastard insurance companies are so greedy and are just over-priced bookies at the end of the day. Hang them all, I say, along with the bankers, politicians, lawyers...oh dear. But perhaps you could do a bet with William Hill that you will or won't return in a healthy condition?? Just a thought....