Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Moan Moan Moan

So some readers are complaining that I don't blog enough (you know who you are). Tough.  This isn't a democracy.  This is my blog and I'll not blog if I want to.

Having said that, I am very sensitive to my dear readers' views and will therefore try to do better.  So what's been happening? Usual busy stuff -

Mockingbird at The Royal Exchange last night. Absolutely brilliant.  Great cast, great production although the story is a little dated now. But still powerful. Followed by drinks at Annie's (despite the "closed" notice on the door (nothing stops DD). Great to see Chris and Dave too.  And food at DD's was great.

Lunch today with the lovely Jim at Bents. Went looking for a plant stand but didn't find what I was looking for and so have ordered one on Amazon. It's to grow my seeds on should I manage to germinate any of the ones currently living in my fridge.

Helpline tonight after watching the Coronation Street fire at DD's first.  Have heard from the LGF on my ideas to end homophobia and I have been referred to Graham and Andrew whoever they might be.  Please continue to watch this space.

Have also received an offer on the flat in Brighton.  And there are 2 people interested so let's hope they get into a fierce bidding war... And that's all for now.  J x


Joolz said...

Off to Cyprus for my nephew's wedding tomorrow. Back on 27 March. Take care Jonathan. X

fig said...

There's a fire on Coronation Street? Didn't a tram fall on it recently? There can't be much of it left.

Is Emily Bishop still in it? The Street not the tram.

Jonathan said...

She is indeed. And sporting a mighty fine (flameproof) headscarf too... J x