Monday, February 04, 2013

On The Mend

Had a good night's sleep last night and consequently feeling much better today. No real plans as such yet beyond reading my paper that Denise dropped off for me earlier on her way to the gym (she is determined to hone her body into that of an Amazon warrior). I may do some shredding (can't tell you how excited I am about that), I may catch up on Homes Down Under and Homes Under the Hammer (which strikes me as even less exciting than shredding) or I may venture out on a big adventure although it does look pretty cold out there - but then I do have some vouchers to spend given to me by HMRC in recognition of the sterling efforts I put in when I was there (to be fair they were given to me for something I was hardly involved in at all but hey ho, what's a boy to do?). They are however spendable in shops such as Matalan and Iceland. I wonder what they sell? I suppose if I had contributed something significant I would have been given vouchers for Harvey Nicks. Must try harder next time...

If I have an adventure il be sure to let you all know about it on here. That's all for now. J x


maggie said...

You,in Matalan - I don't think so!

Jill h said...

Hope it doing well, xxxxx Jill

Jonathan said...

I don't think so either. Never gonna happen....

Hey Jill, good to hear from you. Have now finished the chemo (at least this time round anyway). Feeling better again today so the only way is up for the moment. Hope you and Glynn are doing OK. Please stay in touch and let me know progress. And then there's the party on 21/06.... :-)