Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Win and a Fail

So I managed to sort out my Dad's computer problems.  Essentially I just pressed lots of buttons until it seemed to work OK and the rogue messages just disappeared :-) However, I was unable to set up his Sky Box for catch up TV because I was unable to set up his computer to operate wirelessly (and yes, I did turn it off and then turn it on again). Even having bought a wireless adapter and followed all the instructions I couldn't get it to operate wirelessly which meant I couldn't move the router so that it plugged into the Sky Box. Hey ho. He just have to get a man out to do it.

Not much else to report.  DD still ill and bored. She's even been reduced to doing the ironing and washing up.  Will this illness turn her into a domestic goddess?  Watch this space... That's all. J x


nick the gog said...

Hi Jonathon- I am one of your blog lurkers!
Re your TV connection problems, where you are unable to move your dad's modem/router, have you considered this approach: ? They work for me! BW nick

Jonathan said...

A blog lurker - how exciting. And what's more a useful one. Can't beat a useful lurker. Thanks. Will try and access your suggested web page... J