Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Doing OK

Still feeling good today although had two night sweats last night. No idea why two. So a little tired but otherwise OK. Hoping to go to B&Q this afternoon with DD although I can't remember what we're going for...

District Nurses should be calling this morning to take blood ready for my all-day-chemo tomorrow. It's the start of Cycle 3 so I'm officially half way through the course. My oncologist doesn't think it will be worth giving me more than 4 cycles. After 4 the side effects tend to get even worse and the benefits are smaller. If they're looking for a "cure" then it's sometimes worth the risk but since they're not doing that with me there's little point going through the additional side effects.

Hopefully also going out for a curry this evening with Jude et al. Apparently someone has a voucher. That's if I ever manage to finish DD's washing. Yes folks, my financial situation has got so bad that I've been forced to take in washing to meet the bills. Seriously though, her washing machine has broken down so what's a girl to do in such an emergency but turn to her friends with functioning (if very loud because it doesn't function all that well) machines. And I'm happy to do it.

No other news to report at the moment. Will update later if anything exciting happens. :-) J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

I would never have envisioned you in the role of Widow Twanky, darling. Nor any kind of panto dame. A wicked queen maybe?

Hope you enjoy the delights of B&Q - how wrong does that sound.

Hope cycle 3 goes well, sweetie. Warmest wishes, Nanny x

Jonathan said...

Nanny my lovely, good to hear from you. Sad but true, B&Q has always been one of my guilty treats. I think we may be doing Argos as well (it's a shop I believe) as we both need new washing machines. Oh yes we do. J x

fig said...

Apropos of our recent discussion, can I just say 'take THAT Spriggans!'