Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cycle 2, Day 1, Part Deux

So have arrived at the Xmas song on Rent and now feel suitably uplifted. Rent does that for you every time. Apologies to any minor celebrities out there (and their fans/stalkers) who I may have offended by being somewhat underwhelmed by mere mention of their names. I'm fairly sure that Bonnie Langford has many, many qualities. well, I'm sure there are many of them.

Have also cheered up somewhat because have been shopping for a new jumper - cobalt blue - whilst being poisoned, getting depressed and being disparaging. I know! Multi-tasking or what? :-) J x

1 comment:

fig said...

Is that the song with the segment you used to play to me over and over and OVER again?

Something like 'no tinsel, no candles, no credit card'

Oh I don't miss that. Im sure you loved it more because it drove mw bonkers.