Sunday, September 18, 2011


First the sad news. My cousin Mike died on Tuesday. He had cancer (doesn't all my family) but it was pretty swift all the same. I was never close to Mike although I am closer to his daughter, Kathryn, who posts on this blog from time to time. I'm sure you'll all join me in sending Kathryn our condolences and our best wishes and to the rest of Mike's family too. He was 67 which is no age at all.

On a happier front DD is off spending the weekend in Glasgow (happy for her I mean - I, of course, am missing her dreadfully...). She gets back Tuesday evening I believe.

Also on the happy front Swansea won their first Premiership match on Saturday and my father was actually there to witness it which I'm sure has cheered him up no end. I shall speak to him later and listen to him crow.

I have done little this weekend apart from clean my shoes and clean (some of) the flat. Which is quite enough in my books.

I did see Mrs T in the week - a far too brief coffee in Waterstones - which is always a pleasure. Particularly of course when she is accompanied by the very youthful Penny.

The week ahead is busy - something on every evening so I'll update you all when I've done all that. That's all. J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

So sorry to hear about cousin Mike, Jonathan.
