Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So last night was Johnny Vegas in a "home shopping" play type thing which, at one stage, was actually broadcast live over a home shopping network. Great idea which lacked a little in the execution I felt. The 2 supporting actors were very good but Vegas himself was disappointing and the writing could have been better - although there were some laugh out loud one-liners. And never has the word "Leeds" raised such a laugh before.

The audience was interesting - Victoria Wood and 2 of the dragons from Dragons Den and any number of pretentious media types. Overheard leaving the venue: "Oh I didn't go to the play, but I did go to the after-show party. That was good". Don't you just love them? Oh, Paul Morley was there too as he had been doing something earlier. Not sure what it is he does actually.

Tonight is Macbeth in a cave in Buxton. Not strictly part of MIF but will hopefully be fun. That's all. J x

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