Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday

To Mr Sondheim, (80 today) and Gill Davidson (considerably less on Monday). Dear, dear Peggy Paige (nee Bickerstaff - why'd she ever change it?) is doing a whole show on Radio 2 today in celebration. That would be in celebration of Mr Sondheim although of course Ms Davidson is equally deserving....!

What else is news? I still have a job. Saw DD for drinks and Mad Men on Thursday which was nice. Help line on Friday - just the one call from a transvestite. And frankly once you've got past what not to wear what else is there to talk about? Sarah from Leeds was supposed to pop over Saturday for a pleasant day mooching round the museums, bars & shops of Manchester (what could be nicer dear readers?). Unfortunately it poured with rain and she had a really bad cold so we've postponed. Spent an hour on the phone last night instead.

Today has been spent at Sainsburys and filling up my wardrobes. I'm coming to the conclusion that I'll need another 5. Or I need to do some sorting. But how can one throw away one's favourite designers? Even if they don't fit anymore? Anyway, onwards and upwards... that's all for now. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Have you never heard of eBay? You can clear your wardrobes with a clear conscience and (hopefully) a heavy wallet. I have it on reliable authority that you can sell ANYTHING on eBay, my dear, so give it a whirl, then you can buy even more lovely designer things without having to resort to buying the next door apartment to house your ever growing collection. After all, you don't want to end up like Carrie Bradshaw, do you? Do you?
Nanny x

Jonathan said...

I do I do I do I do.....