Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Snow on Snow

Yes, it snowed again last night. Its quite deep now - 3 inches maybe? Luckily the roads have now been gritted so I was able to make it to the nurse this morning to get my dressings changed. Things looking pretty much the same so I think we're in this for the long haul. Hopefully won't stop me from going back to work though. I just dread to think how many e-mails I must have by now!

Will need to put dressing changes in place in Manchester for next week including a District Nurse for Sunday. Will phone practice later today.

Cricket grinds on. And on. Looks like South Africa might win this test. As if anyone cares... That's all for now. Except to say that I've started watching Nurse Jackie on BBC2. Its really good. Worth a look I'd say. You can get the first 2 episodes on iPlayer. J x


LC (not Elsie!!) said...

OMG! And there was me thinking you were just ignoring my texts!! Now up to date with the o2 saga - and you hadn't even had chance to figure out how to use the darned thing yet:-)

3 inches - is that a man thing? I stepped out of my door (finally braved the 'without a car! I can't use public transport!' journey to work) and the snow was past my knees (just found a non-decimal measuring device and that's 24 inches in my timberland boots - which incidentally I now love as they are fabulous in the snow!). When I relayed this info to the boss he text 'if only you had longer legs (and blond hair)' Are you sure you are really missing work??


Jonathan said...

How could I ignore your texts? Since I may well find myself in ABH at some point next week (apparently its even more difficult to get to Warrington) we should do coffee... J x