Saturday, November 07, 2009


Just watched The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (I know, annoying spelling). The final scene is just awful. I'm in bits. Just had to write that down. That's all. J x


Unknown said...

and not the friends in their p.j's no wonder you were in bits!!!!

not sure if I can make it in Dec I am awaiting my rota which should be published next week...but I will speak to you before then.

take care

the T's xxxx

Jonathan said...

Oh no. I'll be lying in my hospital bed. All alone. Without even my gall bladder to keep me company....

Have, incidentally, just checked my "recent visits" data and they include, Atlanta, Utah, New York, Quebec, Mexico, Berlin, Denmark, Karachi & Singapore. My gall bladder is international news! That's all. J x