Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Nursed Has Turned.

Well, I have some news. Firstly, and most importantly, madam has taken a tumble and hurt her ankle. It appears that there was an incident involving a number of boisterous (fat) dogs on a country walk today which left DD on the floor with a pain in her ankle. She's been to one of those NHS walk in centres where they took an x-ray but didn't have a doctor to interpret it. So they'll get back to her. Might have been better to brave the A&E crowds to get an instant diagnosis but there we go. Its either badly sprained or fractured - either way initial treatment is the same: rest and keep it raised. I'll spend Tuesday and Thursday with her as I have some work I can do out of the office anyway and she'll get some of the many many other willing helpers to fill in the gaps. Nice to be able to repay some of the kindness and care she has shown me over the years.

I have news too. I have a date for my operation: 11 December. I was offered earlier dates but this one works best. With a 2 week recuperation it takes me up to Xmas day. Its best for my trainees since they won't be sitting exams, they won't have a lot of accountants ringing up (they all bugger off for December anyway) and they're expected to take their annual leave during the tutorial breaks anyway. And Mum and Dad get to look after me for ages - they're over the moon.

DD reads the blog so please feel free to leave her heartwarming and tender messages. That's all. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Heart-warming and tender messages to you, DD, since no-one else is sending them. Sorry to hear about your pain but as Jonathan says, he can surround you with vodka, cushions, pain-killers - just don't get him started on the morphine...not till after his op anyway. Hope you are soon up and about again and kicking your heels up in the bars of Manchester. Hope it doesn't mess up your retirement party plans either.
Nanny x

Unknown said...

What is this early retirement , poorly ankles...alls sounds sooo familiar. Well DD do rest it , do be a good patient. Hopefully it isnt broken and will mend soon...good pair of trainers required in the short term.

lots of love the Ts

dd said...

Thank you for your good wishes. J has been marvelous looking after me and clucking like a good 'un. Unfortunately I am not a very patient patient. No doubt he'll kill me before long and claim it was an accident. Yesterday's trip to the hospital was a success. Although I have a hairline fracture at the top of the ankle bone it's not going in plaster. I took this super air cushioned boot with me and the nurse was in raptures. Obviously not avaailable on the NHS, it's from a friend. Nurse said it's ideal so I can go back to work on Monday as long as I can get there and back and don't walk about too much. So now looking for volunteers to drive me in. Suggested J might want to go on secondment for 5 weeks but he didn't seem that keen really!!! I'll leave J to give updates if he wants to, and give him his blog back. Time for a rest now.DD

fig said...

Huge Seaside flavoured hugs from Brighton DD, fig x x