Monday, May 04, 2009

Quiet Weekend (ish)

Not done a huge amount. Mostly spent today cleaning and stuff. Unable to do any on Saturday or Sunday on account of getting over hangovers (hence the "ish" in the title). Saturday night was out with Ms DD and Gill & Brian (her friends from Guildford). Went to the Great John Street hotel and a new bar called Corridor which is down a back-street in Salford and yet was really good (very knowledgeable barmen who knew what they were doing (how fantastic/unusual is that?). Did get very very drunk though.

Week in Warrington was good. Plenty of meetings and stuff (of course). Exciting week coming up - even more meetings! Also went to a meeting at the Helpline (I just can't get enough of them). This was the first time since the chicken pox and it was good to catch up with people.

Just watched 100 Greatest Musicals (an inspired piece of television if there ever was one). But Grease as the greatest musical? I think not. I'd probably go for Les Miserables? Into The Woods? A Chorus Line? Let me know what you think... That's all. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

I've been a dedicated musicals watcher since early childhood so would find it difficult to pick a favourite. Grease is definitely up there, though, as is Dirty Dancing. Oh come on, what's not to love?
Nanny x
PS You've started doing your own quizzes now, haven't you? Got to go, I've got a crime wave to start....

fig said...

Denise Van Outen was appalling. Wasn't it a repeat? I'm sure I saw it some years ago ... actually 'Phixx' (the featured boyband) split up in 2006, so it must have been a repeat.

I still hate 'A Bore-us Line'.

fig said...

and on a more positive note ... 'Wicked' and 'Hairspray' (both produced after that prog.) are fabulous - particularly 'Hairspray' and I recommend all readers of this blog to go see them.