Saturday, January 03, 2009

Not A Pretty Boy

Ouch! So there we were, DD and I, having a very enjoyable New Year's Eve at Panacea. It wasn't until we left that it all started to go wrong. Managed to find a taxi but when it got us back to my place (DD insisted on not being dropped off first to ensure I got home safely) I managed to fall out of it and smack my face on the curb. I have a couple of cuts and the hugest black eye you've ever seen. No-one will ever believe this story of course and everyone is going to think that I have been fighting (and to be fair, that's what it looks like). However I have DD as an independent witness. So there. So if you should see me in the next week or so please don't be too shocked. And hopefully it will all have disappeared by the time I start my new job...

DD (who is a saint) stayed overnight and nursed me the next day - which I spent throwing up. But I was fine by Friday and feel fine now. It just doesn't look too good. That's all. J x


Unknown said...

Oh poor you and thank heavens that DD was there well done it's time to take more ice with it...couldnt bear to add water to VM s I know.
I bet you have a lot of aches and discomfort...will see you soon ...take it easy.
love you lots
Mr & Mrs T + spotty xxxx

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Ooch ouch - not a good start to the New Year, dear boy, but on the plus side, if you are still bruised etc by the time you start at Warrington, perhaps it will make your new team think that's how you get your tremendous results, pulling in the money! Of course, they may already have heard on the grapevine that you are really an old lush (indeed, what member of HMRC isn't?...

Hope that your New Year will only get better and more fabulous.

Nanny xx

PS Hope Fig is now better - how horrible to have food poisoning.