Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sad News

My cousin Jane died yesterday. She was my age and, you'll remember, had developed further problems following a breast cancer diagnosis. I hadn't seen her lately but when I worked in Crawley we used to meet for lunch occasionally because she worked in Deloitte & Touche there. Its a really sad time for all the family, particularly so because it inevitably brings back memories of Sally's death. Its a cruel outcome that 2 sisters should both lose their daughters early. My thoughts today are with Anne & John (my aunt and uncle), with Robert & David (Jane's brothers) and Murray and Rebecca and Laura (Jane's husband and daughters). I know how hard it will be for all of them since there still isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of Sally at some moment or other. Now though when I think of Sally I smile rather than get upset. I still miss her. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

I'm so sorry, lovey.
Nanny x

Anonymous said...

Angel I'm so sorry for your truly devastaing news. No doubt you were some comfort to her having faced your own demons. And you're right it is absolutley so unfair that your family should have bear such unfortuante genes. I am so sorry that this will inevitably stir up sad memories and your own fears. I love you as we all do.

I went to visit my father today. He has deteriorated consideranly and was virtually incoherent. I doubt he'll last the week out. My mother is out of her wits with worry and exhaustion.

Love to you bebs in these sad days

Rose LaGrange said...

So sorry Jonathan, can't find any words that would be enough really to express to you how I feel reading that. I'm thinking of you & do understand. My cousin & myself were like brother & sister & I lost him when we were both 18 years old, it was a road accident. Still think of him everyday.
Angela X