Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Absolutely fantastic weekend in London but marred by some sad news. The good stuff first though. Arrived Saturday and we went to see the new St Pancras station. Very impressive. And very blue. Nice walk there as well although it took us about three quarters of an hour. Didn't do much in the evening. Saturday to the V&A to meet my godmother and to see the theatre design exhibition- really interesting and fascinating. Also saw some craft exhibition for new designers which was quite challenging and interesting to see where you can go with crafts. Will try and post a couple of photos at the end of this blog. In the evening went to the cinema to see Charlie Wilson's War which we all enjoyed. Cinema was also super plush and had a bar so you could take alcohol into the auditorium which pleased the Lewis family no end! Monday to the British Museum to see the First Emperor exhibition. The BM is a fantastic building and the covered courtyard is truly impressive. The exhibition was also really impressive spoiled only slightly by the number of people there - even though we were all on timed tickets. The terracotta figures themselves were marvels of engineering and so well preserved. We went with my auntie and uncle and we learned the sad news that my uncle has an incurable blood disorder. He's still awaiting test results to find out what this means in terms of time left but it could be anything from a few months to about 4 years (the best scenario). My Mum and Dad were really upset as was I but since my illness I think I approach life and death a little differently. For me now its not solely about how long one has left (although I recognise that this is important) but more importantly for me its about the quality of life you have whilst you're still around that matters. For instance I personally would prefer a shorter, pain-free life to a longer pain-filled one or one that saw me severely disabled. I realise everyone has their own views on this but that's the way I feel. From the short chat I managed to have with my uncle when we were on our own I got the impression that the quality of the life he has left is also an important consideration for him too. I know a lot of you reading this blog have your own views on these matters from things happening in your own lives so feel free to comment and join the debate. I know my aunt and uncle read this blog so I'd just like to pass on my love and everyone's best wishes from blog-land.

After the BM the Lewis's found a bar and drank too much! That's all. J x

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