Monday, August 13, 2007

Its Out

The tube is gone. Well not completely gone. There's a bit of it that will remain with me a little while longer. But I shall not mourn its passing (if you see what I mean). Of course, this being the NHS I had to wait around for an hour (despite being the first person on the list this morning) for a procedure that took less than 3 minutes. there was no sedation and no kicking and screaming. The nurse simply cut the tube, threw the outside bit away and poked the stubby bit through into my tummy. She then fixed a dressing on the wound which I have too change for the next 2 days after I have a shower. Miss Denise was a star though. She remained with me through thick and thin. And missing work to do so. So now have the rest of the day off to finish the cleaning (is it ever really finished?) before the designers arrive at 1530. Today was quite a milestone for me nevertheless. It was the last thing linking me to the MRI and now that it has gone I only need to go back there to see the dentist from time to time. Of course I'll still have my check ups at Christies but that's a much nicer place... J x


fig said...

Hoorah - So pleased for you that the tube is gone and that a new phase has started.

I wonder what all the fuss about sedation and cameras was?

I suppose the remainder of your plastic will pop out 'naturally'. Youtube indeed!

hur hur hur

Jon said...

Glad to here all is well in Manchester, missing our conversations x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Glad the tube has gone - they must be well pleased with your progress if they've signed you off.

Shall you see Young Sean at Christies, then? It would be nice to do something really good in the way of fund-raising for Christies, wouldn't it? Preferably something exotic and typically Jonathan.

Although, to be fair, I expect the MRI have played no mean part in your recovery.

How are the Aged Ps? Is The Foot now fully oprational?

Tell all.
Nanny x