Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Seven and Three Quarters

That's how many hours I worked today. The longest ever. Whoo hoo. Isn't full time work a pain in the arse? All that and then I have to come home and start cleaning ready for the arrival of Madame La T and her deadly white dust gloves of shame on Friday. Oooh, I can feel her cotton clad finger running along my cornices as I type... It'll be nice to see her though. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Feeling your cornices? White gloves? Has she taken a chiropody course or something? Or has she taken up drum majoretting? Just wait till I see here - I never thought she was so perverted, but then she has spent all that time at the Revenue....and we did watch an awful lot of Frankie Howerd when we were younger..

Dearest, please do NOT give up the blog. I am sorry if you find it tedious typing away, but we do like to know what you are doing, when, where and how, and with whom you are doing things, and while blogging isn't the same as face to face (or in my case, face to chest) communication, it just takes a minute or two to let you know we are still thinking of you. Besides, it's like having one's very own theatre/film/club/bar/fashion/HMRC critic. I would say book critic, but you have been rather remiss on that front for many months now. I shall not reproach you - yet...

Love and hugs
Nanny xx

fig said...

just like Maisie at the Oily Lentil.... ahh memories!