Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Absolutely Knackered

Was in work by 7 this morning (walked in) and left at 1145 (walked home). Went to MRI for physio (walked there) which was really good (walked home). Fell asleep. Just woken up but still knackered.

Physio was good because we discussed my bad back and it looks as though it could be down to my posture which isn't good as a result of my tight hamstrings. Now have exercises to do to stretch the hamstrings. Fingers crossed this improves my back.

Work aagain tomorrow morning and then seeing doctor in the afternoon to find out if its OK for me to go to work! Hope he says yes... J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Well done, lovey. Was it enjoyable to return to the bosom of the Revenue? Was bunting strung out around your desk? Red carpet at the door? Tell all.

And all this walking, too. I'm very impressed, and I imagine Young Sean is, too. Hope your food supplies have arrived - I couldn't bear you to lose any more weight or your bones will crunch when I hug you.

Have a lovely time with Mr Fig at "Wicked".
Nanny x

Jonathan said...

No, no bunting. Don't they understand the term irony?