Tuesday, July 04, 2006


OK day yesterday although had a crap night last night. Probably due to the heat though rather than the treatment. Everything is getting very sore though. Even my tongue is sore. Might have to start upping the morphine from the current 4 times a day.

Went to John Lewis after the session this morning and we bought my Mum a skirt, my dad a wallet, me a shirt (no, I don't have enough) and a box of assorted shortbread for the radiographers. All in all a successful shopping trip although it left me exhausted and I had to sleep for 3 hours afterwards. J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

No, love, I'm sorry - I simply can't see you striding about the hills, waving a shepherd's crook (waving a shepherd now, I can see THAT) with a smelly little sheep strung over your shoulder. No. No. No. It's all wrong; you were meant for theatres and bars and art galleries and champagne and night-clubs - well, city life, really.
Sorry the heat is knocking you out; I am sitting here typing with my feet in a bowl of cold water with an ice cube or two bobbing about, a glass of icy lemonade (too soon for the vino tinto) and a cool breeze drifting through the house - aaah, it's heaven.
Hope you'll soon be feeling a bit more comfortable.
We'll all raise a glass to you tomorrow evening as we discuss the Southern Lady, but now, I must return to the delights of the late Roman republic.
Oooooooooodles of love
Nanny xx