Thursday, June 22, 2006

Honestly, The Fuss You Lot Make

Chemo was a breeze. Wasn't sick (nor did I feel sick) once. In fact, feeling better today than I have for the last couple of days. Assuming things carry on like this I am now open for visits.

Had a visit from Caroline and YS and Frances this morning. It was great to see them all and they really cheered me up. The visits were as much social as medical since there was nothing really wrong with me. Do you think they all think I'm a drama queen? How little they know me....

But despite all the euphoria over my physical condition I am in excruciating pain mentally since I am wracked with guilt on account of having forgotten Mrs T's birthday. How could such a thing have happened? Obviously I hadn't forgotten that she had a birthday since, despite appearances to the contrary, she is mortal. I also hadn't forgotten that it was imminent since she had gone to the trouble of printing out my works diary and highlighting the date on it for me. Its just that I'd forgotten it was yesterday. Goddess that she is, she has forgiven me though (to err is human - me, to forgive divine - her: and I'm not talking about the 30 stone drag queen either who is now dead anyway leaving a gap in the market that could have been filled by me had I not lost all this weight - 3 and a half stone).

See you all soon J x

P.S. I had asked Mrs T to print the diary thing. She didn't do it off her own bat so that I would buy her something. Honest. No, really. Oh please yourselves, you lot would think the worst of anyone...


NannyOggandGreebo said...

You must be feeling chipper - there was a distinct touch of the Frankie Howerds in those last few lines. Glad it wasn't as bad as you had feared and glad, too, that Young Sean et al came to see you; perhaps they're going to use you as an exemplar for other patients (God help them)....

Nanny x

Darth Vader said...

fabulous to hear you on top form J. Meet the wonderful Ladies P and Sue Bate for lunch today and they filled me in. Everyone on good form and its Bateys birthday this weekend so we wish her much love and jollities.

This will probably be my "last post" for a while as Sorrento calls but "May the Force be with you" until I return
